Friday, August 17, 2012

A bit more calm

Since I’ve had time to sleep on it, and that I am now more calmed down, I think I can explain the incident a little bit better. After leaving work, which must’ve been around 11:30, very close to my house something jumped in front of my car. But after I got out to investigate, there was nothing there, nothing at all. So I go to get back in my car, but that was when I see… it. A block or 2 down the road is this suit wearing freak standing under a street light, just staring at me. And I know last night that I said he looked way too tall, but I think that must’ve just been a trick of the mind. There is no way anything close to human could be that size. It must’ve just been some creep that saw the accident. Regardless, it still spooked the shit out of me. But afterwards, I called Rebecca seeing if I could stay there for a few nights, but she said that she wouldn’t be available and to try Greg. So I did and now I’m here. Obviously. Have to get ready for work, So,
Until Next Time,


Losing it

I’m freaking out. I have no idea what just happened or what the hell I just fucking saw. It’s not making any sense, and Greg is looking at me like I’m clinically insane. Which I’m not throwing off the table at this point.

Okay, I’ll try to explain: I was on my way home from work after staying late because my boss had some stupid project for me to do. The entire night was fine until I must have been, say, 3 blocks from my place. And that’s when someone stepped out in the middle of the road and I… hit them. Very hard… So I slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the car but… there was no one… nothing at all… just a huge dent on the front of my car, with no evidence to what caused it. That’s when I… when I turned around, still freaking out, to get back in my car and… and standing maybe 100 feet down the road behind me, under this god damned street light… is this… thing… That’s all I can say to explain it. It wasn’t really human looking. At all… It was tall… unnaturally tall. And super thin. And the face… was the most unnerving part… I couldn’t get a good look at it but it just felt so…. Familiar… I don’t know… This is the same feeling I get with anything regarding my past, like something is being dug up. I feel like I imagined it. All of it… but the dent is there… I don’t know… I need sleep…


Saturday, August 11, 2012


Well, this weekend was... interesting to say the least. Never thought three people could pull off so much crazy shit and not die. To explain, Rebecca introduced me to Greg Friday. And let me say, he is the incarnation of the small but present dangerous/crazy side of Rebecca. I can definitely tell they are related. So, onto the events of Friday evening: Greg brought us to his favorite club, and told us to not get too drunk, because a hangover would ruin the weekend. Which, I have to agree with him on now. After the very long night at the club, we took a cab to his condo and crashed there for the night. 

Greg woke us up bright and early, at a blaring 5 AM. After our 3 hours of beauty sleep, we were taken far into the "nearby" desert, and after what seemed like an eternity of driving, we finally stopped. And that is when he unveiled just where exactly he was taking us. Rebecca had a huge smile on her face almost the entire time Greg was explaining it. But, needless to say, Greg took us out to his own, self-built desert motocross/trophy truck, crazy factory. This guy is a freaking adrenaline junkie.

 After a whole day of having bat-shit insane fun, we called it a day and Greg brought out the main event. He pulled out a cart filled, to the brim, with fireworks/roman candles. And we had a war. A full on fireworks war. No casualties surprisingly, though Greg thought he broke a rib from a direct hit. Then, after the war, we had our own little fireworks show, which brought back memories from the Fourth. As the night progressed though, I got this nagging sense of dread, like I was being watched constantly. But Greg later made me more comfortable when he showed me his “armory” at his compound. He owns a lot of guns. That’s all that needs to be said. He then continued to show me where we’d be sleeping, and said to be ready bright and early to go blazing through the desert and go shooting for the majority of the day. Which was awesome, considering I’d never shot a firearm before. And we just got back a little over an hour ago. So the weekend was definitely filled with fun. Oh! Want to know the self-appointed name of his compound? FAW-BAK. Which is “Frequently Awesome World-Breaking Action Kompound" Man, this guy is amazing.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Quick Update

Well Rebecca just called and asked if I was free this weekend, because she wanted to introduce me to Greg, who said he would plan something awesome. Must admit, I am a tad nervous. But Rebecca said not to worry, that I'd love it. So, If I survive,

Until Next Time,


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Well, Rebecca called me today. Asked me, cheerfully I might add, to go out for coffee/lunch with her. So I did… Obviously... What kind of person do you think I am? Anyways, it was, to say the least, extremely nice. And, as always I just over reacted with the whole no-contact thing. She was just visiting her brother after he had a “sudden medical emergency” which turned out to actually be a façade to get Rebecca and her Family out to his cabin in B.F.E. Where… turns out, there was no cell/anything civilized service. He brought them out there for, what she tells me, a “Kick-ass 50th Anniversary party” for their parents. And after much partying, they finally got back last night and, after charging her phone, freaked at the sight of all my missed calls and other obsessive ramblings. I thought something had happened to her, so give me a break okay? So she made sure to call me as early as she saw fit. Which would be 8 in the A.M. Through which I almost slept because it was my day off. Glad I didn’t though. So, needless to say, everything between us is fine again. Knew you all were worrying so much… Oh! Forgot to mention that after much inquiry into this quirky thing she calls her brother, Rebecca said she would introduce us soon. He seems like a kick to be around, so I was most definitely intrigued in meeting him. And Rebecca was trying to convince me to start going to my sessions with Dr. M again. Which I may consider doing. And that is about it I guess. So,

Until Next Time,
